Migli Author on Codecanyon

Applicationss & Plugins

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PHP CRUD Generator

PHP Form Builder

TinyMce Bootstrap plugin

Slider Maker

DMCA Sender

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Universal Icon Picker

Universal Icon Picker is a Javascript Icon Picker compatible with any icon library.

Universal Icon Picker Online demo

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Universal Icon Picker

File Tree Generator

File Tree Generator is a Javascript plugin to browse a main folder recursively, show a nice file tree and allow the users to choose a file.

File Tree Generator Online demo

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File Tree Generator

PowerLite PDO

PowerLite PDO is a DBAL PDO Wrapper, a lightweight and powerful PHP library that provides an efficient way to interact with multiple types of databases

https://www.powerlitepdo.com Visit

PowerLite PDO

Shadow Floating Labels

ShadowFloatingLabels transforms placeholders into floating labels using the Shadow DOM.

https://shadow-floating-labels.miglisoft.com/demo/ Visit

Shadow Floating Labels
